About CLF
The Cupertino Library Foundation was established at the request of the Cupertino City Council in 1994, at a time when the library system was experiencing severe budget cuts. The Council asked two Library Commissioners, Allan Bidwell and Charles Liggett, to gather board members and establish a foundation to match the requested funds from the City to maintain Library hours, to continue the purchase of books, and to raise funds for the Library.
The organizational meeting of the Foundation was held on January 26, 1994, where Edward Jajko was elected the first Board President. The Friends of the Library loaned the start-up money needed to process the application for tax-exempt status and the start-up costs of the nonprofit Foundation.
Over 25 Years of Service
Since 1994, the Cupertino Library Foundation continues to provide financial and creative support for multi-generational, multi-lingual educational and cultural programs in collaboration with the Cupertino Library.
Tangible Community Benefits
Since its creation, the Cupertino Library Foundation has raised over $3 million to benefit the Cupertino Library and the Cupertino community. Donations to the Foundation have helped:
Keep the Library open and available seven days a week
Fund, in whole or in part, a wide variety of educational events and multi-cultural programs to encourage life-long learning and self-improvement through the Cupertino Library
Pay for furnishing the new Library building that opened in 2004
Lead a successful $1.2 million capital campaign to help furnish the new Cupertino Library which was constructed with City funding and opened in 2004.
Funding the Future
Our Cupertino Library is much more than a building with books. It is also a safe and comfortable community center welcoming thousands of visitors each week, and offering free services and programs for children, teens, adults and seniors.
The Cupertino Library Foundation provides financial and creative support for multi-generational, multi-lingual educational programs in collaboration with the Cupertino Library that engage and enlighten our community. Our focus is on supporting programs and services the Library and our community have identified as important, including:
Enhancing early literacy and youth education
Promoting lifelong learning and personal growth
Building and bridging diverse communities and cultures
Providing access to information and technology for all
Supporting personal growth and quality of life
Our vision is a Cupertino Library prepared to provide the most advanced resources, programs, and events to meet the current and future educational and cultural needs of Cupertino residents. The Foundation seeks major donations from corporations, the business community, from other foundations, as well as individual donations and planned gifts and bequests.
Ways to Donate
The Cupertino Library Foundation established an endowment fund for the future financial needs of the Library and there are many ways to contribute, whether directly or through gifts of stocks or other assets.