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Art Wall Guidelines
The Cupertino Library Foundation is working with the Cupertino Library and the Fine Arts League of Cupertino to bring Art Exhibits to the Cupertino Library. The Cupertino Library Foundation has committed resources to help sponsor various Art Displays inside the Library. All artists in Santa Clara County who work in 2D art are encouraged to submit their original artwork for display at the Cupertino Library.​
Theme: Winter Solstice
Size of the artwork: artwork size including the frame 24”x 24” any side
Submission date: January 15, 2025
Art submissions must be related to the "Topic of the Month".
Email submissions to
For selected submissions, artist will have to drop and pick up their original artwork on designated date. Selected Artists will be notified about the designated date, time, and place.
Every art submission should be accompanied by the artist's name and age (Last name and age can be withheld if desired).
It is encouraged that every art submission is accompanied by a 24"x24" (neatly framed) picture of the artist, to be displayed alongside their piece.
No AI works.
Previous Artworks
Winter Solstice
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